Thankful in November

I know I haven’t been writing a lot, but don’t worry I am still around. I am getting my life adjusted because a lot of things are going to be changing in the coming year. I will tell you that I am taking a break from my weight loss journey for right now, due to things going on in my life at the moment. Also, my neck has healed! I am glad for that but it does catch every once in awhile.

During this month, and the next month I am spending every moment I can with my husband before he starts another shift. We are praying that he can stick to the Monday – Friday shift, but you never know what will happen. We are praying for the great news and continue to be looking forward to more awards in our path.

Another thing is we are thinking/talking about another baby, and I am excited but then again I don’t want to get anybodies hopes up rather we are or we’re not, so I am just going to keep it simple till we figure something out on our own.

I haven’t been going to church either, and not because I don’t like it, but because I want to suck up all the time with my husband. In the past 6 years he has worked weekends and now since he is off on the weekends I wanna spend those times with him. He just started being off on the weekends (not just every other weekend) this past October (so, not even a month) and they are already talking about sending him back to swing shift this January. I love sleeping in and waking up with him still there, and I am sure if you was in my shoes you would want the same.

We have been going places on the weekends too since he has been off. It is like mini vacations or just spending time together. This weekend I went to see Breaking Dawn with Lisa. We also go eat chips and dip at the local Mexican restaurant with a order of cheese dip of course and a margarita! YUM! We can always use a girls night and I simply love it. Saturday, I woke up 6 hours later to go with my husband to a reptile expo or show, which ever they call it. It was different, but it was spending time with him and if he wants to go look at snakes, lizards, turtles, and other things then I will be right beside him. On the way home we got confused in road construction and ended up 160 miles out of the way from where we was. I had to call my mom, who was babysitting Jade, that we would be about 2 hours later from the pickup time. lol. I am glad she understood! The hamburger 2 hours away from home, taste the same by the way! lool. Today, we got up, cleaned the house some and went to do a little bit of Christmas shopping! I am tired! Monday, I can see a nap or 2 sneaking into my schedule.

However, in this post I will tell you I am thankful for…

God – Because well I am here. I should always be thankful for another day
Jade – She is so loving, she really brightens my days.
Husband – He is so caring, thoughtful, and he works so hard for us.
Life – Living another day, I wouldn’t change anything.
Mom – She wants to do so much for us, she is loving & caring.
Phones – communication when you need it.
Blogging friends – Because they rock!
Friends – They will always be there for you no matter the distance
Car – without it, we would be walking
Food – Because well Dressing will be sitting on my table in the near future
Cookies – Always need that sweet delicious something
Ice Coffee – The benefits of giving you energy and that wonderful taste
My Flat Iron
Being a Stay at Home Mom – Many of people would love to do what I do.
A new House – We will be moving in the next year
Graduation – My husband will be graduating next year
Medication – For healing
Weight Loss –
— Gosh, There is so much I am thankful for I could go on and on. Just know I am thankful for everything I touch, see, feel and see (well the positive things at least).

I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, then I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I hope your days are filled with laughs, joy and happiness, because without that life would be pretty boring. I miss all of you and I hope to be able to write more in later days. Personally I haven’t been writing because a lot of things haven’t been going on. Just the same ole stuff just different day kinda thing lol I guess though as you can see a lot of things have been going on I just haven’t been venting LOL!

Later my readers, I will be back
((Hugs Virtually with much Love))
~ Jenna

Thankful Thursday

My Thankfuls this week…

This week I am thankful for a lot of things.
I love spending time with my hubby even though he will be going back to swing shift in about 2 months, give or take.
I, also, love the times I have with my daughter.
Seeing her communication skills fly through the roof in just a year. I can not wait to see how far she can go.
The able to talk to my husband and talk about our future and what we want in life.
I am thankful for heaters, because in Georgia it feels like your toes will fall off at night. Georgia weather is so weird. 70s one day, then cold front moves through and its like waking up to being in Canada, lool just kidding but just saying.
Today it is nice and pretty outside, wear your swimsuit folks!
Tomorrow, You will need a scarf, snow boots, mittens, and an ice pick.
In 2 Days, Tornado Warnings, Rain… Flooding is possible
The weekend… Blizzard warnings in effect for your area.

LOL! That is just an example, that’s not happening right now, but it sure does feel like it!
What are you thankful this week?

Ohh Yeahh Im Kicking

Tomorrow, I will update on my blog hops, but right now is a time to update yall with whats going on with me.

My neck is still hurting, but I have managed to somewhat keep my weight under control. I will know more November 3rd when I go back to the dr for a check up, but I get to start my weight loss pills once my neck heals, so right now I am just resting, reading to Jade and spending time with my hubby.

Most of you know hubby just went on 8 hr work days and off on weekends, but after this semester it looks like he will be put back on swing shift and only off every other weekend. When he was on swing shift last time he was only home 1 day per week due to mandatory overtime, so I am taking this time and spending all the amounts I can with him. πŸ˜€ Because I just might love him a little bit haha!

I will update as the weeks roll on. I am sorry I havent been commenting, visiting your blogs, or anything, but I promise it will get there eventually. I also will be posting book reviews, as that seems to be what I do now, lay and read lol.

I miss all of you πŸ˜€ and I hope you guys are doing well and having a fabulous weekend.

Hugs and such virtually,


How is your weekend? Anything exciting happening?

Thankful Thursday

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Thankfuls this week…

  • Β Medicine to ease pain
  • My daughter, her surprise tickles, and her laugh
  • My husband for helping me
  • Friends/Family’s understanding
  • Planning this 3-Day weekend
  • Adventures
  • Mommy and Daddy time, just for us

This week I am thankful not only for the things that I take for granted but for the things that we really forget about. I am thankful for the things I have, for there is more people who don’t have what I have, and dream just for one day have something that I take for granted. Today, it is not just about the joys, or laughter, but about the love that is everlasting and the time that I have with my friends and family that I will treasure forever.

What are you thankful for?

Six Word Saturday

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My Neck, My Back, Oh My

For the past week. I haven’t been posting a lot. I am beginning to think I have a pinched nerve where the spinal cord meets the neck. It is swollen, however, I am going to the Doctor Oct 5th which is Wednesday!! Yaaay! Not only am I getting my neck seen about but also my weight lost. I miss all of you guys dearly, but I hope to be back soon. xoxo

My weekend was fun and very enjoyable. I even got to cut grass without getting sick. We had a lot of time just us and Jade did lovely in public. No meltdowns nor tantrums! All in All a great weekend!

I have over 500 posts to read and comment OH MY!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend πŸ˜€

OH!! and Alabama won their game on Saturday… so that’s a plus HAHA!!

Thankful Thursday

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Thankfuls this week…

  • No Meltdowns
  • Had a Mommy’s day
  • Cut grass without getting sick
  • My Mom
  • My wonderful Hubby
  • Wonderful Blogging Friends
  • Friends
  • Cell Phone
  • Computer to reach out and blog about things πŸ˜€
  • Heating Pad
  • Hot Water
  • Being able to walk
  • Playing with Family
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies

What are you thankful for this week?

A Lost Friend

As most of you probably have noticed I have stepped away from my blog, not really pulled away from it as you see I am still here. This post will let you in on a little of why, then after You read this, you will just have to wait for the Six Word Saturday to understand the rest of it, haha.  So look out for that post, as it should follow this one, shortly.

I recently had/have a friend that pulled away from me. It seems she is going through a rough patch in life, but I don’t really know why she pulled away. Maybe it was the change of my recent blog or the more “God” thing to it. I don’t know why she pulled away, I really don’t. I think why I am so emotional over it, was because of the straight cut she made with it. Talking one day, then barely speaking to me, which I am sure if you have friends and one just stopped calling, you would ask these same questions.

I really don’t like it when people push me away without knowing why. I would like the answers to and, how, when, if, but, or however would make it a lot easier for me. I know I am supposed to let God control everything, but in this world I am still human. She is still my friend. She is still a person I talk/talked to everyday about everything till recently. When I say recently I mean like just in August we was talking; everyday. She was what made my day better. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. This is just a type of friend I am.

Anyway, I know she still cares about me because she contacted me over the weekend just to make sure I was okay. I guess we will eventually know where this leads, but right now I am just giving her space, as well as myself.

When she pulled away from me, it really made me wonder why I pulled so close to her and not anyone else. Why is it I have friends who are 10-50 minutes from me and I don’t reach out them. This weekend was a wake up call, and not just about her, but about myself and who I am.

Things I miss…
Ability to say random things just to make me laugh
The darkness flew away when I talked to her, it was like having some sunshine in my pocket. (even if it was 5 minutes or an hour)
Hot Chocolate Mugs she sent me in the mail. They stare at me from the cabinet haha!! jkk!!

How would it make you feel if your friend pulled away from you? Would you run after them? Or would you simply just let them slip away? Would you think if they pulled away from you one time, they would do it again?

“Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends.” – Mary Catherwood

Thankful Thursday

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My Thankfuls for this week…

Cell Phone
Being able to Walk
Sleep or lack there of
My dog came back home after 26 hours of adventures
Jade has realized what “Gone” means
Free Books
Friends in High and Low places
Thunderstorms with no lightning
Highway long yard sales that is this coming weekend

What are your thankfuls for this week?

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.Oprah Winfrey




Thankful Thursday

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Thankful List this week…
Rain (3 or so days worth of rain, much-needed)
Turkey Chili (my moms the best; she knew what we wanted without telling her)
Church friends and family
Family to put you in your place
Knowing that God will give you what you ask for (just be patient)
Friends (even long distance friends, knowing how to make you smile)
Light (We often our thankful for material things, but have you ever thought how it would be without light)
Spending time with my hubby and daughter
Knowing I need self-control on things I love
God’s Grace
Animals for their unconditional love
My Blog

What are you thankful for this week?

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