Hate About Me

Google Image 30 days of Truth is about bringing out the best in yourself. Also, to let people see the “real” you through what you write. For thirty days I will write about myself, I will dig deep and I hope you can start this journey with me. 30 days of Truth; Are you ready!?

Day 1
Something A list you hate about yourself
I really Hate the word Hate, maybe I don’t totally like it, but hate just seems so bold. Today starts off the 30 days of Truth. I hope you stick around and enjoy this as much as I will.

The things I hate dislike about myself…
My hair curls underneath – Totally hard to flat iron
I’m too short (5’3) – I can’t reach in the top cabinets, sigh
I am considered “obese
That I can’t find more motivation in myself
Getting mad at my daughter
Belly fat
That I can’t get behind the wheel and just relax – I get so nervous!
Boring – this happens when I start daydreaming or nothing fab has happened
My inability to properly express my emotions

All these things are things I wish I could change, but it is me. All the things are what build the make-up of who I am. I wouldn’t wish these things away, but I would wish for them to easier, make sense?
It almost takes 45minutes just to flat iron my hair! Like really!? I am so NOT the girly girl, but I do like my hair straight!
How come I can’t grow just 2 more inches? Like seriously! I have to make love to the steering wheel, climb on the counters to get a cup, walk on my pants legs, I have to stand on my tippy toes to give my Hubby a kiss, or I will be kissing his chest, eh!?
When I want to workout, I do. Here lately I can’t seem to find the power button to get myself to do it. I don’t know if it is because it is 90 degrees outside and 80 inside or the fact that I am just being lazy, but usually I rather work in the yard than exercise in the house.
My husband totally gets upset at me when I am in the passengers seat and he is driving. I cling to the “Oh, Shit! Handle“, I tell him how to drive, I cringe into a knot, I scream, I yell, I tell him to get away from the big trucks! I never had the problem before, but after having my little one everything is nerve racking to me.
For some reason I just don’t know how to express my feelings like I should. I don’t cry when someone dies, unless it is at the funeral and they say something about the person, or give a speech about how they would say something. I cry when I am angry, I usually don’t just stand up and yell at someone. I cry when I no longer understand what I am doing, or understand the concept of things. I didn’t cry at my wedding, or when I gave birth, but I was completely over joyed by everything that was going on. I didn’t cry when they told us that our daughter may not make it out of the “woods”, but I did cry when they put her back under the billy light (just to be on the safe side). I didn’t cry when my Maw-maw died, but I cry when I think about her (sometimes). I’m just a mysterious puzzle piece.
I am working on my weight though, down 26lbs since April! I hope I will get down to 125lbs again, but we shall see.

What is it you hate/dislike about yourself? I hope you can find 30 days of Truth about you!
I can already tell this months challenge is going to be a hard one for me. Not because of “I don’t know what to write about” but because of how hard it is going to hit home. It is going to get DEEP.

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  1. Stephanie

     /  July 25, 2011

    Hi! I just subscribed! If you’re wanting to loose the weight, check out, http://fattoskinny.net my husband and I are on it, and have lost some weight! I went from a size 22-24 jeans to a size 18 petite! Check it out!


    • Thank you for subscribing, I tried to go to your site but it said you deleted it :-/ I will check out the site 🙂 I don’t even know what size clothes I am in now, I haven’t even bought new ones haha!! (hopefully soon that will change) Thanks again for visiting and subscribing 🙂


  2. Hate is such a strong negative that it makes me cringe when I read it… What I love though is your honesty to look at yourself and share. TY! 🙂


  3. I am with you, hate is a very strong word and I have spent much of my life trying to not use it…dislike is good…and I realize that much i dislike is about me and not others.
    Enjoyed your post…and wish you luck on the weight loss.
    ☮ ♥.. Siggi in Downeast Maine, USA


  4. Whew…great job laying it all out there. Bet it felt good to get some of those things off your chest. If you’re ever in need of a good cry, I can think of several movies and songs that will get even a hard cry like yourself going. I swear, man…regular crying is what keeps me sane! 🙂


    • Thanks! Never know when I might need songs 😉 Im not much of a movie person, if I seen it once than I usually don’t watch it again. I know Im weird, lol!


  5. Deborah the Closet Monster

     /  July 1, 2011

    Thought-provoking entry!

    There are things I’ve hated about myself in the past, but I’ve changed them to the point where they’re no longer applicable. There are things I do on a case-by-case basis that I wish I hadn’t done, but . . . like The Hook side, life’s to short to hate–myself, others, or aspects thereof!


  6. Congrats on 26 lbs, I’m down 16 so far and i’m under 300 lbs now!!!!


    • Woohoo!!! WTG! That is wonderful Mr. T! Did you do a happy dance when you reached one of your milestones? 😛


  7. Don’t hate, life’s too short! Great post, though.



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