A letter to my Best Friend

Yeah I know, I have a lot of best friends and you guys know who you are, and don’t get jealous, your time will come to shine, Just Saying.

This letter is to a girl who I have known for 3 years. 3 years I have talked to this girl, we met through a virtual game, but regardless of that I know she is going to stay around. We usually talk about 1x a day, give or take. Sometimes it goes longer, but we try not to get it too far.



There is so much I say about you, and sometimes I don’t tell you enough how much you mean to me. I love you, I have loved you since the day I spoke to you, the first time I heard your laugh on voice. My lover for you is deep, permanent and not sexual, but you’re my best friend. It is a love that is true, so my true love to my best friend, my wifey.

I love you because…
– of your faults and unattractive behaviors.
You have shown me that regardless of our differences we have everything else in common.
– your strength is beyond amazing.
I have seen you grow (as a person) through everything life brought your way and that makes me love you even more.
– your flaws are a part of who you are and I wouldn’t want to change any of them.
– your character is fascinating.
All I can do is hope to continue to be a part of the awesome person of who you are, and continue to tell you how important you are in my life.

You are such an amazing person, protective, caring, loving, and supportive to me. You have stuck beside me since Day 1, when we first started talking. You have been there for me when I was in pain, in confusion, and when I needed an open ear about my family. You help me keep my sanity, and support me even when you are miles away. There is an emotional connection with you that I will never be able to change, even when our lives are so separate on their own.

If I could take you to the moon, I would. I trust you with everything I have, and everything I am. You are one of the few people I can truly open up to. I believe you truly know this and that you have known for a long time.

I often feel I don’t tell you how much I love you and thanked you for the support. You have been there for me, or how much you think I am a great mom,  you like my blog, or my weight loss journey, or how you checked on me when I needed someone the most. You know me like a book and well, Thank You.

You are truly an inspiration in my life. I guess this is why it has taken me so long to write you because I knew I wanted to say things I haven’t in a long time. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me.

Thank you for being there, the memories, the long talks, and laughs. Thanks for being there when I was down or even my best of days. Thank you for being such a Best Friend a girl could have.

Don’t ever change who you are, because you’re a perfect person to me.

A Friend From Afar
by Natalie Kidd

A friend from afar
who thought you would be my shining star
you are patient and sweet even your generosity I would keep.
but when times are tough,
you are like a diamond in a rough.
You are strong and kind
what a friend I choose this time.
You are a friend;
a friend I would call to the very end.
How I miss my friend from afar
even though we would travel so far
to have one more moment
a moment of peace and tranquility,
You see, you are a special friend, a very special friend to me,
a friend with a personality… a friend to the end, You’ll be.

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  1. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow best friends


  2. this is soooo great. it is a blessing having a bestie


  3. Nancy

     /  November 3, 2013

    Having a best friend is awesome!


  4. Arine chammassian

     /  November 12, 2012

    You mean everything to me , you are amazing , you came to my life like a beautiful flower I found you the other piece fits perfectly . It’s amazing of how much years has passed how much things we went through , all the ups and the downs we faced them all together . It was so hard to find someone like you , it’s a gift GOD has sent from heaven above . You complete me yes you do . Thank you for being by my side , I promise I’ll be too .
    My journey with you is still very long , its about forever long . When we are old Ill grab your hand and smile at you say with my tired voice look I have kept my promise for ever.
    I love you .


  5. Sorry I haven’t been around much lately, but my book, The Bellman Chronicles, will be FREE to download on Sept. 10 – 11! Check it out on my Amazon Kindle page.. You won’t be disappointed. And if you can slip me a review, I’d be forever grateful…


    • Oh nice! I would love to give you a review! I will write it on the calendar so I dont forget. 🙂
      I havent been around much either, come back to find out why 😛


  6. Having a best friend is a blessing.


  7. I wish I could like this a thousand times! I love you Jenna. This honestly brought tears of happiness to my eyes. You will always be my best friend, my sister, my other half. I can honestly say I am so grateful to have met you. I didn’t really know what the word “best friend” was until I met you. I can’t wait till October ❤


    • I would tell you thousand times what you mean to me 🙂
      I can’t wait for October either!!! It’s been 3 years too long!
      Love you!


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