New Years, Cheers to 2013

We rung in the New Year with Grilled Cheese, and Tomato soup. Jade even decided that she was sleepy and put herself to bed at 7:30pm. I thought we would at least get to go to the Possum Drop (it is similar to the Peach Drop, but just in redneck terms). We have never took Jade out for New Years, so I thought she should at least get to go this year, especially with a baby on the way. Well, that didn’t happen. I eventually fell asleep on the couch, waking up 3mins after 12. I did fully wake up and tell Savoy Happy New Year, but then we planted ourselves in the bed.

I do know in 2013 we will be blessed among a lot of things. We will have a great year, and I truly believe in that. 2012, there was a lot of ups and downs, but I would say we are still out on top. We are still learning about Jade’s Nut Allergies, and dealing with that, but it is getting easier. She did get a lunchbox from Santa. She said she wanted to eat with her lunchbox friends at school, so now we are going to be fixing her lunches, not everyday, but when the mood strikes.

We will be receiving a true miracle in God’s making. A Baby Boy. I have already started collecting clothes, shoes, diapers, and blankets. I guess I just like being prepared. Being prepared isn’t a bad thing, right? Plus, I only have 14 weeks to go! We still need a lot of things, furniture and others gadgets.

Another blessing in 2013 will be that my dear Husband will be graduating from school. He has been in school for 2 years, with a 4.0 grade point average all 2 years, and on the President’s List. I have to say I am fully honored to say he is mine. He is so smart, and has done so much in the last 2 years. He has already got into the field of which he is going to school for, and he loves it. He loves going to work, and to hear him say those words really makes me smile. He use to hate going to work, repeat after repeat, but now he loves it, and that is what counts.

We will also be moving into a bigger, better place in 2013, and after we move, we will be working towards owning our own house. I am so ecstatic about that. I never thought in a million years we would be as close as we are, and to see that dream at our fingertips is truly inspiring. Just proves how far we have come since 2004.

Now I will hush, and let you see some pictures of what has come of 2012. I know I have been slacking, but we have been dealing with a lot of things, and when hubby is finally home, I spend much of my time with him. Which I am sure you all understand.

Jade Jade1 Jade3 Jade5 Jade6 Jade15 Jade16 Jade17 Jade20 Jade21 Jade 5 Jade 6 Jade 7 Jade 13 Jade Jade2 SAM_2195
25 weeks 2012Β  Christmas Jade and Granny Jade and Nana Jade and PawPaw Oh My Gosh2013

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  1. I wish you only good things for 2013. Sounds like it will be a great year!


  2. “fly away” hair is the best! My daughter was blessed with curly hair. My hair is so straight, I don’t understand it. I used to try and curl my hair for BIG hair in the 80’s…it would always fall out after an hour.

    Ohhh, bet you’re getting tired and excited for the new arrival…

    2013 is going to be great for you!



    • Fly away hair is totally in on the trampoline, or around a plastic playground lol. Jade’s hair is completely straight. I can braid it and it sticks out. Definitely one or the two, or both, but naps are a must. πŸ˜‰
      Wishing you the best in 2013 Sandi.


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