Food Allergies vs Faith


I am coming forward to shed a new light on some things.

I haven’t talked too much about food allergies since my daughter was fighting for her life May 2012. Just because I didn’t talk about it much or throw statistics at everyone doesn’t mean I wasn’t praying for miracles, not only for my child but for every child out there battling their food allergies. I didn’t know much about food allergies till that dreaded day.

I didn’t know it could mean life or death within minutes of eating something or that I would spend so much time and energy researching things you have to do to make sure any food you touch was safe. I am not talking about just reading labels here. I am talking about the every detail of everything you do.

Did you know that half of the time you have to either call companies, or send them an e-mail to see what is actually in their food? You spend most of your time helping, or protecting your child. It is not just about companies, it’s also restaurants. Those times where you just want to go sit down as a family and have someone cook for you. After doing some research in our  town, we found that we only have two options for sit down restaurants: Cracker Barrel & Olive Garden. Even though recently, Cracker Barrel changed their menu, so I will have to contact  them before our next visit to make sure they are still food allergy aware, and if anything has changed.

Half of the time, we (parents of food allergy kids) just want people to ‘get’ it. It is life or death. How hard is that for people to understand? When you have a child who is sick  you don’t take them to the hospital for them to run around and play. So, why would I take my food allergy child to your birthday party and let her run around free of everything, when I have no clue what is there. I have no clue what is in the cake, the ice cream, and those donuts you decided to pick up and bring. So sorry if I come off being “overly protected”, I am just being a mom.  

Food allergies just happen. It is not planned out. It is not something that I would wish on anyone. Just because one day my child eats nuts, then the next day she is in the ER, doesn’t mean I am just going to go back to our way of life before. That ONE day changed our life, and we changed our life-style. It is a way of living, it can be restrictive but at least this is something I can battle. This is something I can manage.

Your next question could be about my faith. “If your faith is strong enough you wouldn’t worry so much. Let Go, Let God” Really? So, I should just throw that common sense God gave me right out the window and say “Run along Jade! I will watch you from here! Even though I saw you battling for your life, I just want you free-spirited. In the meantime, I will sit over in my corner and pray while you run free”

So, let me inform you about my faith.

My faith is loading my daughter up on the bus every morning for school. I don’t know what Sally has brought on the bus that morning. I don’t know if Sally is going to give Jade her walnut ice cream, or did Sally just saved her Nutella sandwich to share with Jade on the bus. Don’t tell me this can’t happen, because when I was in school I brought snacks on the bus. My ride was an hour and half, so of course, I brought me something! Who is not to say some little kid does the same? Why would a kid bring something so dangerous on the bus? The reason why is because to that child it isn’t dangerous. That kid is living the Free-Spirited life.

My faith is letting my daughter into a public school. A public school where they have no clue, nor have they seen a child go through Anaphylactic shock. The teachers and staff don’t know what to even look for if something happens to my child. I have to tell them the warnings signs. My faith is, for them to remember exactly what I told them.

My faith knows God can change this. My everyday prayer is finding a cure, finding a way to ‘fix’ whatever is wrong. And now my faith is really showing and do you want to know why? Because just today we found out that Jade might have outgrown her allergies, but that’s not why I have faith now. I have faith now because I am going to put her life in her Doctors hand. The Doctor is going to do a food challenge and feed her Walnuts. The Doctor and Nurses will watch her closely. I will be facing the devil head on, but I will not bow my head. I will push through because I know who has this, and it is not me. So, next time you hear food allergies think about everything it takes for that parent to push through everyday life. Don’t judge them; don’t start pointing fingers at them, because in my eyes they have the best positive outlook on life. For they know what true Faith is.


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  1. JR

     /  January 2, 2014

    Ha Jenna, wow, it’s been quite a while since I wrote a post or even read some blogs out here. Anyway, I wanted to know how you’re doing and if you’re still here. So sorry to hear about the food allergy. I dare not to say that I know what you’re going through, because I don’t. I can only imagine. Hopefully she will totally outgrow this stupid allergy, never give up. 🙂
    Take care! Ruthie


    • It has been awhile for me as well! I am more active with my book blog though
      But I will be coming back. I promise. I just had a lot going on since August 2013. You will have to email me so we can catch up 😉 I miss you and your bike! (yes, I just said that) hahahaha!!


  2. JR

     /  January 2, 2014

    Ha Jenna, wow, it’s been quite a while since I wrote a post or even read some blogs out here. Anyway, I wanted to know how you’re doing and if you’re still here. So sorry to hear about the food allergy. I dare not to say that I know what you’re going through, because I don’t. I can only imagine. Hopefully she will totally outgrow this stupid allergy, never give up. 🙂
    Take care!


  3. You are a wonderful blogger, mom, and human being, my friend.
    All the best to you and yours.


    • Thanks Hook!
      Maybe one day I can come back to blogging, lol. I miss your comments, You truly know how to make someone’s day!


  4. My son now 15 was born deathly allergic to ALL dairy products, eggs and some tree nuts. As such I chose to stick to him like glue for years and he has gotten better. He still needs to have meds handy and has a nurses plan vs a 504 plan which is far more RED ALERT. I hope that your daughter has outgrown her allergies. I was recently at a Hotel in Key West and I asked the ingredients of a potato dish (luckily made with vegetable oil vs butter) a young British dad approached me and said, “looks like we have the same problem” and after a short chat I found out through the years his son’s allergies have gotten worse! In the whole scheme of things I feel very fortunate, when I see families struggling through Cancer or other horrors. Some days have been hard; and some days I felt overwhelmed but it has been manageable my prayer is that he outgrows it by the time he goes to college. That is my lump in the throat fear. Best wishes to your daughter may her allergy to walnuts disappear.


    • Thanks so much for your comment.
      It is so hard at times, a bit of overwhelming, but yet a mixed of emotions all at once. My daughter has just had a reaction and now we think she might be allergic to Carmine as well, and that can be listed as like 6-8 different names. Talk about research! I guess it is like the saying says “A food allergy mom does more investigating than FBI” lol! So true.
      Our school system is blinded and built around politics and greed, so maybe one day I can get through to them, till then I will keep pushing for what I believe in.
      I hope your son outgrows them as well, every thing can change so quickly with food allergies. Just never give up hope.
      Thanks for stopping by.


    • Since the 1990 AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT you are protected and they CANNOT deny it. I had to fight the school, but the county backed me up. I looked up the disabilities act Allergies is like the 3rd thing. Fight to protect your child . I honestly think it is a combination of things that has created more and more kids with these issues, I am sure that GMOs are a big culprit.


    • Our school system is in the old age. I am having to file a complaint with Civil Rights. It is a sad situation, but they need to learn, and they need to be trained on what Food Allergies are. I have took a stand, and I want to make a difference, not only for the well-being of my child but for the other parents who have children that are not educated themselves. I had to learn about food allergies and invest in the time to make sure my daughter stays safe.
      The school even fed her ice cream without talking to me to okay it. She later had a reaction to it due to cross-contamination. It is something we consisantly battle, and I am willing to take it all the way if I have to. I even bought the Wrightslaw books, and hired an advocate.

      I think food allergies are a mix of a lot of things. We have come to a day and age were we are germaphobes. We constant battle our immune system to do it’s job. I also think it is the GMOs as well, we have even went to organic, almost everything. Also, the food allergy sky rocketed when peanut oil was administered into vaccinations in the late 90s. FARE is getting closer to finding a cure, but what is the price to take to take away such a deadly thing?

      A lot of people don’t realize that having nuts around a child is like carrying a loaded weapon. It is just as deadly especially to a child who is still learning what is okay and what is not.
      Thank you for stopping by, and sorry it took a bit to get back to you. I promise I will update on what is taking place since some of the stress as been eliminated. Take Care,


  1. #FoodAllergyWalk #FAREWalk #OurStory | We're Jumpin'

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