Coming Back

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*Blows the dust off*

Ya’ll, I am excited to come back. I am sure the friends I have met on here have all took many breaks as well. I know I sure did. Life has been extra busy, and I have enjoyed being able to let go and breathe.

This year, we have started in August with homeschooling our oldest. It was time. I have always been on the fence, and now I can finally say we made the best decision. She is almost a 12 year old, yep, we have TWEEN.

She has been bullied for two years, and I am sure she thought she was doing the right thing everyday for those two years. I can honestly say she tried every method to feel like she did the right thing, but her spirit was broken. She no longer enjoyed the things she use to, and now.. Now, she is back. She is smiling, she is becoming herself again.

We are using All-In-One Homeschool, Easy Peasy, we are enjoying it. I am able to lay out her subjects in Google Classroom, and help her remotely if needed. She can also ask questions in Google Classroom, so I am able to help her, and she doesn’t feel like she doesn’t know the answer.

Over the last few years we have discovered her ADHD, she is hyperactive, but inattentive. She struggles with staying focused, losing papers, so now I have a system in place where she has visual reminders her of what is suppose to happen and when. She is not 100% online, I do make her write. I also have notebook that incorporate her will to learn. It has the same questions as her Google Classroom, but this is so she can easily follow along.

She is was also diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. She doesn’t understand social cues, sarcasm, or other “hidden agendas”. Just have to be blunt with her for her to understand or follow anything. You have to set timers for chores, and redirect constantly, but we all are learning here.

In the upcoming days or weeks I will sharing with you what we read, where we go, what we do. I have a love to share memories, and encourage others to do what you think is best for your family. So, I hope to meet other homeschoolers in the vast of the universe, and build my “friends” again. I truly missed keeping everyone up to date.

Breaking the Silence

To stop these awful things from happening, first, we need to talk about it. We need to stop shaming victims, and stop telling them to be silenced. 


When victims of sexual abuse speak up, they need to be able to know where to go to start the process of healing. They need a list of advocates, lawyers, anyone who will help them heal from the inside out. They need to know they are not alone and the healing process is going to long-term. Nothing is ever cured on short-term bases.


Food Allergies vs Faith


I am coming forward to shed a new light on some things.

I haven’t talked too much about food allergies since my daughter was fighting for her life May 2012. Just because I didn’t talk about it much or throw statistics at everyone doesn’t mean I wasn’t praying for miracles, not only for my child but for every child out there battling their food allergies. I didn’t know much about food allergies till that dreaded day.

I didn’t know it could mean life or death within minutes of eating something or that I would spend so much time and energy researching things you have to do to make sure any food you touch was safe. I am not talking about just reading labels here. I am talking about the every detail of everything you do.

Did you know that half of the time you have to either call companies, or send them an e-mail to see what is actually in their food? You spend most of your time helping, or protecting your child. It is not just about companies, it’s also restaurants. Those times where you just want to go sit down as a family and have someone cook for you. After doing some research in our  town, we found that we only have two options for sit down restaurants: Cracker Barrel & Olive Garden. Even though recently, Cracker Barrel changed their menu, so I will have to contact  them before our next visit to make sure they are still food allergy aware, and if anything has changed.

Half of the time, we (parents of food allergy kids) just want people to ‘get’ it. It is life or death. How hard is that for people to understand? When you have a child who is sick  you don’t take them to the hospital for them to run around and play. So, why would I take my food allergy child to your birthday party and let her run around free of everything, when I have no clue what is there. I have no clue what is in the cake, the ice cream, and those donuts you decided to pick up and bring. So sorry if I come off being “overly protected”, I am just being a mom.  

Food allergies just happen. It is not planned out. It is not something that I would wish on anyone. Just because one day my child eats nuts, then the next day she is in the ER, doesn’t mean I am just going to go back to our way of life before. That ONE day changed our life, and we changed our life-style. It is a way of living, it can be restrictive but at least this is something I can battle. This is something I can manage.

Your next question could be about my faith. “If your faith is strong enough you wouldn’t worry so much. Let Go, Let God” Really? So, I should just throw that common sense God gave me right out the window and say “Run along Jade! I will watch you from here! Even though I saw you battling for your life, I just want you free-spirited. In the meantime, I will sit over in my corner and pray while you run free”

So, let me inform you about my faith.

My faith is loading my daughter up on the bus every morning for school. I don’t know what Sally has brought on the bus that morning. I don’t know if Sally is going to give Jade her walnut ice cream, or did Sally just saved her Nutella sandwich to share with Jade on the bus. Don’t tell me this can’t happen, because when I was in school I brought snacks on the bus. My ride was an hour and half, so of course, I brought me something! Who is not to say some little kid does the same? Why would a kid bring something so dangerous on the bus? The reason why is because to that child it isn’t dangerous. That kid is living the Free-Spirited life.

My faith is letting my daughter into a public school. A public school where they have no clue, nor have they seen a child go through Anaphylactic shock. The teachers and staff don’t know what to even look for if something happens to my child. I have to tell them the warnings signs. My faith is, for them to remember exactly what I told them.

My faith knows God can change this. My everyday prayer is finding a cure, finding a way to ‘fix’ whatever is wrong. And now my faith is really showing and do you want to know why? Because just today we found out that Jade might have outgrown her allergies, but that’s not why I have faith now. I have faith now because I am going to put her life in her Doctors hand. The Doctor is going to do a food challenge and feed her Walnuts. The Doctor and Nurses will watch her closely. I will be facing the devil head on, but I will not bow my head. I will push through because I know who has this, and it is not me. So, next time you hear food allergies think about everything it takes for that parent to push through everyday life. Don’t judge them; don’t start pointing fingers at them, because in my eyes they have the best positive outlook on life. For they know what true Faith is.


Don’t Speak

God has commanded us to encourage one another, sometimes we do just the opposite. Since we are human we discourage one another instead of encourage one another. We concentrate on people’s weakness and faults instead of their strengths. We criticize others instead of complimenting them on their good things. We tear them down instead of building them up.

Encouraging someone could help change their life. We label people unfairly and sometimes label them as a failure. We begin to treat them as failures, but we should encourage one another and when we do that, we can change their lives. We forget to look for the best in people, and not the worst. We all have weaknesses. no one is perfect and since we are all frail human beings, we could fight over each others criticism; however, if we look at people’s strengths and good character, we will enjoy each other and help build each other up. We can’t dwell on people’s weakness.

When someone does something good, simply tell them. If someone became a Believer, than encourage him or her in their faith. If someone near to you does something good give them a pat on the back. When children do something good, we often give them praise, so why not encourage others? It is so easy to get caught up in tearing others down, this mindset is worthless. There is nothing good going to come out of discouraging others, especially other Believers. So, if you are constantly tearing people down, it is time to stop and start building them up with kind words. When we do leave this physical earth, do you want to be remembered as an encourager, or someone who discouraged?

Hebrews 10:24
Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.
Hebrews 10:25
And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially not that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.
Philemon 1:7
Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people.

Mark 12:30-31
Love the Lord, your God with all your heart and with all our soul, and with all your mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

It doesn’t say, love as long as you agree with them. It doesn’t say Love as long as you like them. It doesn’t say love when it is convenient. It simply says, love your neighbor. This is ALL of your neighbors including other Believers. We tend to act the worst around those we love. We hold fellow Believers to a different standard. We have a responsibility to hold each other accountable, but this must be done in love, not judgement. We have to remember to speak with love and life no matter how much we disagree with them. One thing I do know is that God id still on the throne and there is a purpose for it all, so it is in Him that I put my trust and my hope.

Jesus gave us five love directives:
Love God
Love Our Neighbors
Love Ourselves
Love Our Enemies
Love One Another

Encouragement is building up one another, helping prepare for another tomorrow. Encouragement could be holding each other responsible for regularly reading scripture or remembering daily prayer. Another, asking another Believer what God has been saying to them, or How can I pray for you?

It is one thing to have information, it is another thing to share it with someone else. Do not try to change their views by throwing scriptures at them. The word will be given to them in the right way, and at the right time.

1 Thessalonians 2:7
But we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children.

Be a source of encouragement to people’s gentleness. Being gentle is many time not viewed when meeting other Believers. We often are harsh or abrupt in their interactions with other Believers and are often thought of as “hardball”, “Their way, or No way”. They believe that each believe is strictly on his own. They can not imagine becoming involved in other believers’ lives. It is true that a believer has his own volition and should make his/her own decision base on the Bible’s truth in his soul. It does NOT mean he needs no one else to him during his spiritual growth. The maturing believer is supposed to be encouraging to new believers and to have patience, gentleness, and other attributes of unconditional love towards them. Regardless of what you were before salvation and Biblical Truth. If you stick with the word and you grow spiritually, stay controlled by God and the Holy Spirit then you manifest the fruit of the Spirit, you can become one who possesses all of these wandering characters that the Apostle Paul had. If you have not outgrown being self-centered, or being a taker rather than a giver, you are never going to be an encouragement to anyone else.

Proverbs 15: 1-4
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a hard word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly. The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Many Believers want to cram the Word of God down the throat of people they are dealing with. This is totally contrary to the Word of God. Believers can be as selfish and egocentric as any unbeliever. This is a real disaster among other believers today. One of the fruits of the Spirit is faithfulness. You must be faithful in administrating the Gospel under motivation because you are trustworthy. You should never do it for personal reasons. It is unfortunate that Believers are unfriendly, self-centered, and think they are above and bring on attitudes, that in itself can bring on bigger negative impressions than the doctrine that was being taught. Believers should make you happy and should produce contentment and tranquility, not bring other people down.

If you are a Believer, then just choose your words carefully. Your words speak so loud that you might come off wrong. You might actually be turning people away from God than doing much good. Stop and think before you speak, and make sure you coming off loving, because you might be loosing a lot of people who you never wanted to lose to begin with. If you want to be argumentative with someone, make sure you are choosing the right words, making sure you are not coming off as being bigger than you seem and if you think it will turn into something more, than just simply keep your mouth shut and walk away from it. If you read something and feel as though it is not of Truth, then skip over it, maybe one day the person who wrote it will see the Truth, don’t over throw them by hitting them over the head with the Bible. You will get no where by trying to be overpowering. You will never win anyone over to your beliefs if you bully them, or backing them in the corner. So, I urge you to watch your tongue, and show unconditional love for another.

Completely Amazed. Must listen to it everyday 🙂

Life's Little Slices



  1. The pursuit of pleasure.
  2. The ethical theory that pleasure is the highest good and proper aim of human life.

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Perfect Vacation

I sit here and think about my perfect vacation. I think about Hubby and I going away for a weekend/a week, just us. Maybe a cabin in the mountains, or a beach house right near the ocean.

A cabin in the mountains, full deck wrapped around, a hot tub in the corner of the deck overlooking the changing leaves on the trees below. As you walked into the living room/sitting area there would be a big screen tv up above the fireplace, and a jetted tub in the master bath.
I think about the peacefulness, and stress free, breathing clean air with no neighbors, or the sound of cars/trucks screaming down the highway. I picture us enjoying ourselves, shooting pool, or cuddling up to watch a movie, or his arms wrapped around my waist as we watch the sun set in the tree tops.
I can hear the birds chirping in the mornings, and the smell of breakfast drifting into the bedroom early in the mornings.
Sounds like a perfect get-a-way to the mountains to me.

A beach house right at the ocean. You could sit on the porch and watch the waves crash into the sand, you could see the boats in the distance as they disappeared over the horizon.
The salty air feeling your senses as you open the door to dig your freshly painted toes into the warm sand. I could stand there and picture us walking hand in hand into the rising sun after morning breakfast. As we walk down the beach and play in the water, kicking the ocean water onto each other, playing and laughing.
I can picture sitting in a beach chair with an umbrella as I read a book waiting for the sun to almost set. Hubby escaping to the pier for an afternoon of fishing with some locals.

Sometimes as I look back, really my perfect vacations is nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal vacation, but also a break from the little one. Don’t get me wrong I love Jade, but some times Mommy and Daddy needs a date night too.

What would be your perfect Vacation? Is it the “normal” or would you want to go do something wild?


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