Food Allergies vs Faith


I am coming forward to shed a new light on some things.

I haven’t talked too much about food allergies since my daughter was fighting for her life May 2012. Just because I didn’t talk about it much or throw statistics at everyone doesn’t mean I wasn’t praying for miracles, not only for my child but for every child out there battling their food allergies. I didn’t know much about food allergies till that dreaded day.

I didn’t know it could mean life or death within minutes of eating something or that I would spend so much time and energy researching things you have to do to make sure any food you touch was safe. I am not talking about just reading labels here. I am talking about the every detail of everything you do.

Did you know that half of the time you have to either call companies, or send them an e-mail to see what is actually in their food? You spend most of your time helping, or protecting your child. It is not just about companies, it’s also restaurants. Those times where you just want to go sit down as a family and have someone cook for you. After doing some research in our  town, we found that we only have two options for sit down restaurants: Cracker Barrel & Olive Garden. Even though recently, Cracker Barrel changed their menu, so I will have to contact  them before our next visit to make sure they are still food allergy aware, and if anything has changed.

Half of the time, we (parents of food allergy kids) just want people to ‘get’ it. It is life or death. How hard is that for people to understand? When you have a child who is sick  you don’t take them to the hospital for them to run around and play. So, why would I take my food allergy child to your birthday party and let her run around free of everything, when I have no clue what is there. I have no clue what is in the cake, the ice cream, and those donuts you decided to pick up and bring. So sorry if I come off being “overly protected”, I am just being a mom.  

Food allergies just happen. It is not planned out. It is not something that I would wish on anyone. Just because one day my child eats nuts, then the next day she is in the ER, doesn’t mean I am just going to go back to our way of life before. That ONE day changed our life, and we changed our life-style. It is a way of living, it can be restrictive but at least this is something I can battle. This is something I can manage.

Your next question could be about my faith. “If your faith is strong enough you wouldn’t worry so much. Let Go, Let God” Really? So, I should just throw that common sense God gave me right out the window and say “Run along Jade! I will watch you from here! Even though I saw you battling for your life, I just want you free-spirited. In the meantime, I will sit over in my corner and pray while you run free”

So, let me inform you about my faith.

My faith is loading my daughter up on the bus every morning for school. I don’t know what Sally has brought on the bus that morning. I don’t know if Sally is going to give Jade her walnut ice cream, or did Sally just saved her Nutella sandwich to share with Jade on the bus. Don’t tell me this can’t happen, because when I was in school I brought snacks on the bus. My ride was an hour and half, so of course, I brought me something! Who is not to say some little kid does the same? Why would a kid bring something so dangerous on the bus? The reason why is because to that child it isn’t dangerous. That kid is living the Free-Spirited life.

My faith is letting my daughter into a public school. A public school where they have no clue, nor have they seen a child go through Anaphylactic shock. The teachers and staff don’t know what to even look for if something happens to my child. I have to tell them the warnings signs. My faith is, for them to remember exactly what I told them.

My faith knows God can change this. My everyday prayer is finding a cure, finding a way to ‘fix’ whatever is wrong. And now my faith is really showing and do you want to know why? Because just today we found out that Jade might have outgrown her allergies, but that’s not why I have faith now. I have faith now because I am going to put her life in her Doctors hand. The Doctor is going to do a food challenge and feed her Walnuts. The Doctor and Nurses will watch her closely. I will be facing the devil head on, but I will not bow my head. I will push through because I know who has this, and it is not me. So, next time you hear food allergies think about everything it takes for that parent to push through everyday life. Don’t judge them; don’t start pointing fingers at them, because in my eyes they have the best positive outlook on life. For they know what true Faith is.


33 Weeks

Goodness. Things are getting busy around here!
I have opened up my book blog:
We’re Jumpin’ Books

We are starting to move! Yes that is right, TODAY! We just found out yesterday.
I started going to the Doctor once a week. Already got my labor instructions.
March 8th – Group B testing
March 9th – Baby Shower
March 16th – Maternity Shoot
March 21st – Sibling Class at our local hospital for Jade
March 31st – Easter

On top of that we have to paint the nursery, decorate, and unpack, all while being 8 months pregnant and having a 5 year-old. Today I already took a nap, it is so much to think about, and so much to do in the next four weeks, maybe if I sleep long enough it will all happen quickly, right? 😉 I do have to say that this pregnancy has been enjoyable. I didn’t know it could be so “easy”, with Jade I was sick during the whole time, heartburn, acid reflux, pains, and I really think when I was pregnant with her I was dealing with Gallbladder issues, because it was all the same symptoms that I went through with gallstones. I would have to sleep sitting up with her, and I couldn’t eat anything, even salads made me sick. So, with that being said with this pregnancy I can eat anything I want, I don’t have heartburn but I do get acid reflux but not as bad. I have normal pains of any pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks Contractions all the time! I didn’t have them with Jade. I get them during Zumba, if I bend over, going up and down the driveway (if I am in passenger seat – we live on a bumpy road right now), walking, basically I get them a lot if I am not sitting down. Yes, I drink enough fluids.

Okay, enough of all that.

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds nd has passed the 17-inch mark. He’s rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren’t fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a a cone head-like appearance.) These bones don’t entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Ice Coffee
I think my cravings are easing off, or at least I hope so.

Fatigue is back
Fibroid pain – lower right side
Period like cramps on left side
Drainage (I know TMI)
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Weight: 203lbs – 23lbs total
BP: 107/70
Grayson’s Heartbeat: 150

Still got to pack the hospital bag! Goodness me. So much to do, got to get busy!
I have my One Month to Love on a schedule, I don’t know if I will be able to finish the updates though, I think it stops at Day 17, not sure though, but once everything slows back down I will update it. Don’t forget to check out We’re Jumpin’ Books!

32 Weeks

We found out that we will definitely be moving between March 2nd or March 9th! I am so excited, not only to get a new place, but Jade will have a bigger room, and we will have the space we need.

On another note, this week has been amazing! Jade was in the hospital last week, and she is completely 100% herself now, not only is she herself  but I have gotten to spend all week with her since school has been out.

Even with her home, we still have been packing, and getting everything ready to move. On top of that we are getting ready for the baby shower, which is March 9th! I am so excited, I haven’t heard about the plans, but I know it will be amazing!

32 Weeks

By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You’re gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he’ll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth.

Ice Cream

Pressure in my pelvis
Hip Pain
Braxton Hicks Contractions

I could sleep all the time, where is this energy they tell you about?
Still need to pack the hospital bag! Yeah yeah, early I know.

Another awesome thing! I have opened up a Book Blog, kinda want to separate my books from my personal blog. So, check it out too!
We’re Jumpin’ Books

Also have a twitter for my books that you can find out information on Giveaways, and free Books!

My New Twitter for this blog is @JennaBeardenB

Unglued Devotional

Unglued Unglued Devotional by Lysa TerKeurst
This companion devotional to the bestselling book Unglued provides encouragement to help readers handle emotional struggles. Including a daily opening Scripture, Thought for the Day, devotion, and closing prayer, this book helps readers begin a 60-day journey in learning to positively process raw emotions, such as fear, anger, and regret.
Gosh, I love devotionals, I guess I always have. The one reason why I love this devotional is that I can completely relate to her. Lysa reminds us that life isn’t perfect, and we all deal with emotions, we all come emotional unglued when things get hectic. I would love to get my hands on the book “Unglued” now, maybe I will just add that to my wish list.

With the devotional, they are short, but packed with a lot of information. Information that we all face with everyday life. You will definitely be glued and want to learn more, and strengthen your relationship with God. I love how she is honest, and really knows how to connect with you.

There is 5 Main Areas
1) Having confidence on how to resolve conflict
2) Peace
3) What type of Reactor you are
4) No Regrets
5) Deep Sense of Calm

She reminds us that by trusting in Him we can have the peace that our body and soul long for.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com  book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

30 Weeks

My goodness this week has been busy. My daughter had walking pneumonia, my husband had an awful head cold, and now I am sporting the sniffling, runny nose, with that awesome head cold. Don’t ya love it when Hubby shares with you? On top of all that we are packing, painting furniture, going to Dr Appointments, and cleaning out things we don’t need.

With being sick, I completely missed out on Zumba yesterday, and posting this. I have been resting on the couch. Not much you can take while your pregnant, so resting is always a good thing.

30 weeks

Your belly’s increasing size is a definite clue that your baby is getting bigger every day, weighing in at over three pounds now (he’ll be packing on the weight at a rate of half a pound per week for the next seven weeks). Also growing daily is his brain, which is actually starting to look like the real thing with those characteristic grooves and wrinkles. And now that your little genius can regulate his own body temperature and turn up the heat, he’ll start shedding lanugo, the downy body hair that’s been keeping him warm up until now.

Sour Skittles
Mash Potatoes
Ice Cold Water
Ice Cold Milk

Sinus Crap: Runny Nose, Sinus Pressure, Coughing, etc
Baby kicked so hard today. He completely moved my belly to one side
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Shortness of Breath

29 Weeks

Life seems to be getting way busy around here. Next week we start on buying the big items for baby Grayson (crib, swing, bedding, pak-n-play, etc), this week; however, we are I am packing. I think I have packed 10 boxes, and we have furniture stacked on top of furniture (no joke) I am keeping my eyes focused that the current tenant will be moved out, and we can move in. I will not get discouraged, I will hold on to my faith, and know that in patience, good things come to those who wait.
During Zumba this week, I started having Braxton Hicks Contractions. I hope this doesn’t mean that I will have to lay out of Zumba. Savoy (Hubby) is concerned, but I just did the best I could, and eventually my stomach stopped tightening up. I did stop and get me some more water while it was happening though.


Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you’ll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby’s hardening skeleton each day.

Hint of Lime Chips with White Corn & Black Bean Salsa
Ice Cold Milk
Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies
Dairy Queen: Chicken Basket with Gravy
Green Grapes

Braxton Hicks Contractions
Hip Pops when Switching sides
Walking Slower

28 Weeks

Holy Moly! I am in my third trimester with only 12 weeks to go!
I had my 1 hr glucose test this past Monday, and boy, how I didn’t miss that. I was fine, till I had to stand up and walk to the car. Sitting still with all that sugar rushing around, and the baby was kicking me like crazy. I had an awesome headache for the rest of the day, and almost through the night. I still don’t know my results from it, which I probably won’t till tomorrow or Monday.

Another big thing! We have found a rental and will be moving shortly. I am already packing, might as well be productive. It is a very cute house, I will post pictures when we are able to move in.

Baby weighs two and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He’s also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Breakfast Stuff: French Toast, Yogurt, Eggs, etc
Ice Cold Milk
Hot French Fries

Sinus Pressure
Pain, seems to be around my ovaries or tendons
Blood Pressure: 105/67
Baby’s Heartbeat: 145
Weight: 198.8 (3lb gain in a month)
Pushing him out of my ribs! It is like a hard ball (maybe his butt, or head?)
Still rocking the Zumba!
Braxton Hicks

Liebster Award

wpid-liebsteraward I know, don’t faint or anything, but I was nominated for the Liebster Award! The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. To imagine little sweet little ol’ me, is any of those things is encouraging, and I want to thank Jodie Lea for that! Thank You Jodie, for not only thinking about me, but passing the award on to my blog. Be sure to click her name, and check out her blog!

Upon receiving the nomination, you are required to do the following:

a. Tell 11 things about yourself

b. Answer 11 questions asked by the nominating blogger

c. Nominate 11 new bloggers

d. Ask 11 questions to the bloggers you nominated

e. Inform the bloggers you choose

11 Things About Me, That You May or May Not Know

1. I was a band geek. I played clarinet for 6 years, and even concert band.
2. I began my “job” as a Stay-At-Home-Mom before I was even a Mom.
3. I am well on my way to my Third Trimester in my pregnancy.
4. My ironing skills consist of throwing the clothes back in the dryer on “wrinkle free”
5. I do not own an Iphone, maybe one day.
6. My favorite TV shows right now are: Ax Men, Swamp People, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice
7. Trying to take at least 1 friend/family out for lunch a week.
8. My appendix and Gallbladder are both removed within 2 years of each other, on New Year’s Eve.
9. Learned how to do “The Wobble” 6 months pregnant, and still do it!
10. Dishes are my most hated chore. (Doesn’t help that we don’t have a dishwasher)
11. I love reading

11 Questions from Jodie aka Not Pretending (to be sane)

  1. As a kid (or older) when you pretended to be someone else, who were you and why did you want to be them?
    I don’t ever remember pretending to be like anyone. I was an only child, so I had my imagination with stuffed animals.
  2. Have you had your “15-minutes of fame” yet? How did it happen? (If it hasn’t happened, how would you like it to happen?)
    I try to stay out of the “Spot Light”
  3. If you could change one thing about your personality – what would it be and why?
    To not let others use me. I think it is one of my biggest things that I am trying to “change”
  4. What was the last novel you read? Would you recommend it?
    The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
  5. Who was/is your favorite teacher, and why?
    My favorite teacher was Coach Kribbs, he was my History teacher. I think the reason why he was my favorite is because he helped me with my Graduation Exam, he took the time to sit down with me and make sure I passed the history part of it, and I will always be grateful for that.
  6. Besides writing, tell us about one of your other talents.
    I like to craft. I just started back sewing. I also like re-doing furniture. You can see those under “projects” in my categories.
  7. Where were you when President Kennedy was shot?
    I wasn’t even thought of it, and my Mom wasn’t either.
  8. You wrote a novel about your life growing up, and now Hollywood is making a movie based on that novel. Which actor/actress would you want to play you, and why?
    I have no clue, but they would have to be pretty spacey and random to play a part of me 😉
  9. What was your favorite TV show when you were in grade school?  What about now?
    Friends! Oh, I miss that show, I even catch reruns sometimes, and I will eventually own all the seasons.
    Swamp People has to be one of my Favorites now.
  10. What are your top 3 pet peeves?
    Top Pet Peeves
  11. Do you like your first name? If not, what would you change it to?
    I would never change it, I love my name.

My 11 Nominees Are:

  1. Birminghambell
  2. iamzion
  3. Negative Reality
  4. The Prairie Plate
  5. Vicky…the Northern Chicky
  6. Cozycakes Cottage
  7. But That’s For Another Blog
  8. Definingmydash
  9. Life as Modern Wife
  10. Searching for middle ground
  11. Xanax or Running shoes?

My 11 Questions for my Nominees

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. Favorite quote?
  3. What is one of your quirky habits?
  4. What would be your realistic dream home?
  5. What are the three most important things in your life? List them off without thinking!
  6. Who inspires you?
  7. Have you ever Googled yourself?
  8. Your favorite post on your own blog?
  9. Your favorite post on another blog?
  10. Kindle or real book?
  11. What are you looking forward to the most in 2013?

27 Weeks

Gosh, it feels like I just found out that we were expecting, and now here I am 27 weeks. Where did the time go!?
(Don’t forget to vote on the Baby Name! It is at the bottom)


Sherbert Ice Cream
Hoop Cheese
Sour Cream & Onion Chips with Ranch Dip
Ice Cold Water or Sweet Tea

Weight: Well, I think I have gained some since last week! My belly is getting bigger.
Baby is still very active. We just watched him complete a wave over my belly.
The naps are back! I slept an extra 4 hours today
Still getting headaches
Sore throat and sinus pressure started yesterday
Still doing Zumba!
Braxton Hicks Contractions, mostly when I am on my feet for a long time
Back ache, it feels like I need my back popped
Saturday starts the Third Trimester!
Next Appt is Jan 21st – Glucose Test

While We Wait

Savoy finally decided on the name for the baby boy! He waited till I was at Zumba last Wednesday to go to Hobby Lobby and buy most of the letters. So, now we are slowly trying to get the rest letters from Hobby Lobby. I looked online and they don’t have the letters on there, so I hope it is not a seasonal thing. However, we are still missing letters to Reveal the Name! So, while we wait why not do a poll and see what you guys think? Don’t forget to vote!


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