Food Allergies vs Faith


I am coming forward to shed a new light on some things.

I haven’t talked too much about food allergies since my daughter was fighting for her life May 2012. Just because I didn’t talk about it much or throw statistics at everyone doesn’t mean I wasn’t praying for miracles, not only for my child but for every child out there battling their food allergies. I didn’t know much about food allergies till that dreaded day.

I didn’t know it could mean life or death within minutes of eating something or that I would spend so much time and energy researching things you have to do to make sure any food you touch was safe. I am not talking about just reading labels here. I am talking about the every detail of everything you do.

Did you know that half of the time you have to either call companies, or send them an e-mail to see what is actually in their food? You spend most of your time helping, or protecting your child. It is not just about companies, it’s also restaurants. Those times where you just want to go sit down as a family and have someone cook for you. After doing some research in our  town, we found that we only have two options for sit down restaurants: Cracker Barrel & Olive Garden. Even though recently, Cracker Barrel changed their menu, so I will have to contact  them before our next visit to make sure they are still food allergy aware, and if anything has changed.

Half of the time, we (parents of food allergy kids) just want people to ‘get’ it. It is life or death. How hard is that for people to understand? When you have a child who is sick  you don’t take them to the hospital for them to run around and play. So, why would I take my food allergy child to your birthday party and let her run around free of everything, when I have no clue what is there. I have no clue what is in the cake, the ice cream, and those donuts you decided to pick up and bring. So sorry if I come off being “overly protected”, I am just being a mom.  

Food allergies just happen. It is not planned out. It is not something that I would wish on anyone. Just because one day my child eats nuts, then the next day she is in the ER, doesn’t mean I am just going to go back to our way of life before. That ONE day changed our life, and we changed our life-style. It is a way of living, it can be restrictive but at least this is something I can battle. This is something I can manage.

Your next question could be about my faith. “If your faith is strong enough you wouldn’t worry so much. Let Go, Let God” Really? So, I should just throw that common sense God gave me right out the window and say “Run along Jade! I will watch you from here! Even though I saw you battling for your life, I just want you free-spirited. In the meantime, I will sit over in my corner and pray while you run free”

So, let me inform you about my faith.

My faith is loading my daughter up on the bus every morning for school. I don’t know what Sally has brought on the bus that morning. I don’t know if Sally is going to give Jade her walnut ice cream, or did Sally just saved her Nutella sandwich to share with Jade on the bus. Don’t tell me this can’t happen, because when I was in school I brought snacks on the bus. My ride was an hour and half, so of course, I brought me something! Who is not to say some little kid does the same? Why would a kid bring something so dangerous on the bus? The reason why is because to that child it isn’t dangerous. That kid is living the Free-Spirited life.

My faith is letting my daughter into a public school. A public school where they have no clue, nor have they seen a child go through Anaphylactic shock. The teachers and staff don’t know what to even look for if something happens to my child. I have to tell them the warnings signs. My faith is, for them to remember exactly what I told them.

My faith knows God can change this. My everyday prayer is finding a cure, finding a way to ‘fix’ whatever is wrong. And now my faith is really showing and do you want to know why? Because just today we found out that Jade might have outgrown her allergies, but that’s not why I have faith now. I have faith now because I am going to put her life in her Doctors hand. The Doctor is going to do a food challenge and feed her Walnuts. The Doctor and Nurses will watch her closely. I will be facing the devil head on, but I will not bow my head. I will push through because I know who has this, and it is not me. So, next time you hear food allergies think about everything it takes for that parent to push through everyday life. Don’t judge them; don’t start pointing fingers at them, because in my eyes they have the best positive outlook on life. For they know what true Faith is.


Our Adventure This Week


They admitted my daughter into the hospital on Monday.
Jade had been sick for 3 weeks. It started with a head cold, then moved into walking pneumonia. Since Walking Pneumonia is not contagious I sent her to school, at this point she wasn’t running a fever with being sick, but she was on breathing treatments, antibiotics and other medicine to get her well.
On Friday Morning, I got up (our usual routine), and was getting her clothes together for school, getting myself dressed. I ran out to crank the car so it would be warm and came back in to wake my sleeping my daughter. She woke up and came into the living room, her face was so red! I knew then that she was getting worse and not better. I could her temperature and it was 102.7
I called her Doctor and made an appointment, then took her to the kitchen to give her Ibuprofen and Tylenol to get her temp down. Needless to say she threw up half of the medicine, and the throwing up didn’t stop, but it wasn’t continuous it just happened every so often. This continued into Saturday, I finally called the Doctor on Saturday morning to get something to get her to quit being so nauseated. Her temp at this point was on clock work, every 5 hours and 30minutes it would start-up, reaching 102 within 30minutes. You couldn’t tell she was sick though, until the fever hit. She would grab her blanket and lay on the couch. The throwing up stopped with the help of Zofran, but the fevers never went away.
Monday, I took her back to the Dr. Of course at the Doctor she looked fine because I gave her Ibuprofen before we left, and if she didn’t have a fever you would have never know she was sick. She acted normal. However, the Doctor told me that she should be fine, and shouldn’t have a high fever, just a low-grade and she should be able to return to school the next day. We leave the doctor office, only to come home to a 103.5 fever. I called the doctor back and asked them to please do something to help her, I was tired of masking her fever, when apparently something is wrong.
They admitted her into the hospital on Monday evening.

This is what happens when a fever comes on: Sleep

This is what happens when a fever comes on: Sleep

Now it is Friday. She got out of the hospital on Wednesday evening, she would still get a fever, but they wasn’t as close together. Thursday she finally went 24 hours without a fever! While at the hospital her WBC was 15 on Monday and when we left it was 11.6. Her liver enzymes are still elevated (they have come down since Monday), but we will go back on Thursday to get them rechecked.
I will probably never know what happened to her, but I am glad to be home, and say that she is FEVER FREE!

Her class made her a Valentine Get Well Soon Card and got her a Bear! So Thoughtful.

Her class made her a Valentine Get Well Soon Card and got her a Bear! So Thoughtful.

Being at the hospital while you are 8 months pregnant.. let’s just say that my hips thank me for being home!
They ruled it as Viral plus her having Pneumonia even though her chest X-ray came back negative, they still thought maybe her body was still fighting it off.

Allergies, Oh My

Yesterday, Jade went to Nana’s while Hubby and I went to get groceries, and do a little bit of fishing. Hubby caught 2 Bass and I caught 2 Brim, even saw a lot of baby turtles. I was catching Brim off bread, who knew? The clouds starting rolling in, the thunder was getting closer, so Hubby paddled us to the truck. We loaded everything up on the truck and hauled off to get Jade before the rain started pouring down, making the boat 10x heavier than it should be.

Before we get to Nana’s, Jade took a bite out of a yogurt that wasn’t hers. Nana made her yogurt with Strawberries and walnuts and Jade’s without walnuts, but Jade took a bite with the walnuts and realized it, she started spitting out the walnuts, and instantly started crying. When we got there Jade was at the door saying “I got to the hospital, I need Doctor.” The storms were rolling in a lot closer now, as the lightning started popping outside. I told my mom to go ahead and give her some Benadryl, and when we get home I will see if I have anything else to give her.

We get home, Hubby unloaded the truck and I ran Jade inside. I took her temp and she didn’t have one, but I noticed her shirt was soaked, I watched her for a few seconds and realized that every time she would drool she cried. I knew then she couldn’t control her drooling, but I just figured it was allergic reaction, her body was just trying to get the walnut stuff out of her mouth. Hubby came inside, Jade walked up to him and I noticed the back of her legs were red. I told Hubby to check her out, he pulled up her shirt and yelled for us to get in the truck that she is now breaking out in hives.

On the ride to the ER I would ask Jade to count to 10 and 20, doing everything to keep her awake. I sang her songs, and made out the lightning strikes was a light show, saying “Ohhh pretty, did you see that Jade?” Every red/green light I would ask what color it was and what does it mean. She stayed awake for the 15 minute ride. When we pulled up in the ER I unloaded her and carried her in.

I didn’t even sign her in, they took her straight back for vital signs, checking her Temp, pulse, oxygen, weight, and etc. They put her in the waiting area and told us that she was the 2nd to the next one to go back into a room. So, we take her to the waiting area and I tried to get her to talk to me, but she didn’t want to. I looked at Hubby and told him to check her tongue, which is when we realized her tongue is swelling. So, back to the front desk nurse I go. She waved us to come on back.

They put Jade straight into a room, hooked her up to a pulse and oxygen reader. They brought her crayons and the nurses stayed with her, they were so good to her and laughed, and talked about how smart she is. Once the Doctor came in he said that she had a systemic rash, a very high allergic reaction that had to be from the walnut and he said it didn’t matter that she spit it out, shes allergic to it and its a severe case. Once the Doctor left the nurses came in with juice and stickers. After about 30mins they gave her an epi shot, steroids and Benadryl, then sent us home.

So, long story short… No Walnuts for Jade.

Six Word Saturday

Spending time with Hubby, watching football

Yesterday, I got to spend all day with my husband. We laughed, and snuggled on the couch. We watched the game as we waited patiently for our team to warm up and give it their all. It was a nerve racking game, but I have been watching football all my life.
Even needed up over at Lisa’s house. I love spending time with her, catching up with what is going on. We laugh a lot when I am over there, and I will always remember that.

Today, we craved a pumpkin with Jade when she got home. She loved it! She even made sure Daddy put eyes, and teeth.. That is important!

Wednesday, My mom and I are taking Jade back to the library for story time.. We will see how that goes!

I hope you all had a wonderful, enjoyable weekend. I hope it was filled with a lot of laughs, and memories were made.

Thankful Thursday

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Thankfuls this week…

  •  Medicine to ease pain
  • My daughter, her surprise tickles, and her laugh
  • My husband for helping me
  • Friends/Family’s understanding
  • Planning this 3-Day weekend
  • Adventures
  • Mommy and Daddy time, just for us

This week I am thankful not only for the things that I take for granted but for the things that we really forget about. I am thankful for the things I have, for there is more people who don’t have what I have, and dream just for one day have something that I take for granted. Today, it is not just about the joys, or laughter, but about the love that is everlasting and the time that I have with my friends and family that I will treasure forever.

What are you thankful for?

Five Question Friday

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1. Do you have siblings and are you close with them?
I am an only child, but I do have 3 sisters (1/2 sisters, and 1 is adopted – my dads side of the family) 1 brother (1/2 brother – dad side of the family). I think we are closer this year than any other year. If they need me they know to call. 🙂
2. Would you rather be slightly UNDER weight or slightly OVER weight?
I think I would rather be slightly under weight. I am trying to loose weight now, just trying to get back down to “normal” if I was under weight I don’t think I would have problems. I use to weigh (105-115 lbs).
3. What’s your favorite State Fair food to splurge on?
Dude, funnel cakes… I can only eat about 5 bites before I hand it off to someone else, ha!
4. What are your thoughts on your kid(s) going to school in a few weeks?
Jade doesn’t start school till next year and the only thing I have to say to that is YIPPY!!!! haha! I can so get my house cleaned and do the things I need to do around the house without her messing it up, at least while I was home and she was at school, but you know when she gets home from school she might play. 🙂 Either way it will be good for her and me.

5. Pool or Ocean?
Gimme the pool to swim laps in and gimme the ocean to smile at as I sit with my feet close to the water. I miss the salty smell of the ocean. 🙂

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Totally Stoked

30 days of Truth is about bringing out the best in yourself. Also, to let people see the “real” you through what you write. For thirty days I will write about myself, I will dig deep and I hope you can start this journey with me. 30 days of Truth; Are you ready!?

Day 28 – What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
If it is in God’s will then so be it! I would be happy, totally and completely. It took us over a year to get pregnant with Jade, and no I wasn’t on BC before, or anything of that matter.

Even though I would be stoked, I wouldn’t want it to happen right now. I would cry if it did. I am in the middle of loosing weight, getting myself together, trying to better ourselves with a future not only for us but for Jade’s future. I guess if God wanted to intervene then I would just have to praise him through everything 🙂

There is a lot of people who try for years and years to get pregnant with kids on their own, and never seem to be able to. A lot of us take that for granted, but sometimes you just have to look at the whole picture. So, be thankful in what you got 🙂 and for those of you who read, that try and try and try… one day it will happen, or maybe it will be God’s plan for your to adopt? who knows right?

So anyway, I would be happy, would you?

Previous Days
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

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Songs, for My Little Girl

Google Image30 days of Truth is about bringing out the best in yourself. Also, to let people see the “real” you through what you write. For thirty days I will write about myself, I will dig deep and I hope you can start this journey with me. 30 days of Truth; Are you ready!?

Day 24 – Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)

Dear Jade:
I want you to know how much I love you. May the rest of your days be filled with joy and happiness. These songs have the deepest meanings for me, and so I want you to hear them. You may be too young to understand their meanings now, but I see you growing up so quickly now a days, I know it would be long before you can understand them. I love you Jade. Thank you for being such a miracle baby, giving me peace and comfort and loving me. Thank you for giving me those random kisses and hugs, and the shout out ‘I love you’ as you walk away from me. You have completed my heart in a lot of ways, and for that I am forever grateful and loved.
I love you Jade
Your Mom

For I will be with you, even if I am not beside you every day. I will hang on to you when you need me, I will be here to give you strength when you are weak. I will be your hero, if you just keep looking up at me.
In My Daughter’s Eyes – Martina McBride

I never want to see you cry, you will always be my sweet child o’ mine 🙂
Sweet Child O’ Mine – Guns N’ Roses

No one has to make me believe in heaven. All I have to do is look at my daughter and I believe. You are truly a miracle, and such a blessing! You make me laugh everyday, you dance around the living room and sing a long to the TV. You have brighten my life so much!
Live – Heaven

I will make mistakes, but I will always tell you I am sorry. Just believe in me, when I tell you I am sorry. I will fall, I will slip, I am human, just like you. I will always be your mom, you can’t trade me in, but just know when I do something wrong, I am sorry… Just believe in me!
Daughtry – Sorry

Just know I sang this to you every night when we brought you home from the hospital. It was after Christmas, but you would go right to sleep when I was rocking you. I still to this day sing this to you when you wake up in the middle of the night and don’t want to go to sleep.
David Archuleta – Silent Night

Previous Days
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

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Five Question Friday

1. If your husband had the BIG V and you got pregnant what would your first reaction be? For the dudes, what would your first reaction be if your wife told you she was pregnant after the Big V?
Be amazed that God gave me another gift of life. Maybe one day we will have another child, idk, still thinking on that one. But yeah, my answer would be to be happy about it 🙂
2. Best memory about this summer so far.
Gosh, I don’t know. Probably seeing my flower beds come to life. I spent a lot of sweat on them, and they are turning out to be amazing 🙂 Who knew I would love flowers? I also think another best memory is my daughter pointing out her ABCs and telling me what they sound like, even if we are walking into a store 🙂 Oh! and another one being her being fully potty trained, how would that not be a great memory!? Last but not least, seeing myself have tan lines, oh yeah!!!
3. How often do you change your sheets? Your kids sheets?
I try to wash all of our sheets 1/week, but sometimes my pea brain forgets so then it becomes a 2 week thing, which can be totally gross.
4. Having just gone through TSA, would you rather have a full-body scan or a pat-down?
Full-body scan, I don’t know if I could handle a pat-down.
5. Since it is fair time…what’s your favorite fair (county or state) memory?
Haha the fair… yeah. Hubby and I went to the fair, my last time, and hubby said he will never go again rofl!!! We rode the Scorpion and lost our lunch when it started going backwards. I think that broke us, and now when the fair comes we just say “Oh the fair is in town, that’s nice” and it was so expensive!!! I rather spend all that money going to Six Flags 🙂
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Thankful Thursday

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. – Isaiash 40:29

Today I am thankful for…

Sleeping in, even when I went to bed early.
Air conditioner, to keep it cool in 90 degree heat.
Internet, to watch TV & communicate with others.
Phone, just in case of emergencies & talking to friends.
Mom, for being there when we need her.
Husband, for working and providing, and even cutting the grass.
Daughter, reciting her ABCs and the sounds they make.
Dieting – Down to 167lbs!
Lisa, always being a great friend and she helps with food from her garden.
Noise from daughter playing.
Being about to read.

What are you thankful for this week?

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