First Year and more with Grayson

I know I kind of left you guys hanging after Grayson was born. So, let me update you.

Grayson was born on April 7th. He is our lucky 7 baby. His delivery was amazing. Not much excitement. I had an epidural. My epidural was trying to wear off when I was around 8cm. Dude, you wanna talk about pain. Dear heavens, I was about to have a come to Jenna meeting right on the spot.


There’s a BUG a Crawling…

Thank God I didn’t fall off the bed and hurt myself. I am usually good at keeping calm during these events, but no, not while I am sleeping.
Last night (not tonight, but Thursday night) we all decided to go to bed about the same time. Hubby put Jade to bed; I got myself ready for bed (of course checking my blog like a creeper before heading out for the night.)
I got all cozy in my bed, feet in my blankets, arm under the pillow, other hand up under my chin, with the blanket wrapped so securely and tight around my hand, right near my skin. I was so relaxed, in peace, getting ready to fall in that deep sleep, the deep sleep where your drool is about to run down your face, the sleep where you believe you are in the mystery side of heaven. Then Hubby wakes me, “Hey, Your daughter is awake.” (Your daughter – heard that right, lol) I throw the blanket off my arms, kick my feet out of the blankets and find myself at Jade’s bedroom door. She is standing there with her arms up, tears rolling down her face, “I need to go pee pee in the potty.” I put her down tell her to hurry up, because mommy is tired. She comes back; I give her kisses and send her back off in her bed.

I get back to my room, does the same process with my blanket, get all cozy, go back into my little peaceful dreamland, and Hubby wakes me again, 30 minutes later. I storm out the bed, yelling if he wakes me again I am going to go crazy. I get to my daughters room, and she says, “My pull up hurts.” I stump to the living room, grab a clean pull up, hand to her when I get back to her door, she changes them, throws the one that “hurts” in the hallway (even though there is nothing wrong with it, it just isn’t a “new” one). I bend down give her kisses, tell her to go night night, gave her the babies, and moezied my way back to my hole in the bed. (Note: It is now 12:00am)
4:00am Hubby jumps up (still asleep) and sits on the edge of the bed. I wake up ask him what is wrong, realize he is still asleep (thinking he might just think his alarm clock went off), tell him to lay back down, he still has a while. I get back to sleep when I was so rudely awakened by a BUG!!!
This bug was running down my arm, I flipped it off my arm, I jumped up on the bed, grab my pillow, shake it, run across to the other side of the bed, flipped on the light, and there is the bug… a CENTIPEDE!! He is now crawling over the blankets I start letting my voice get a little louder. I wake hubby tell him to get the BUG! I am now sitting back on my knees as the bug approaches my blanket; Hubby flicks him off the bed, then turns out the light. I sit there, waiting, wondering if it is going to come back! Hubby didn’t kill it remember!

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Well, I stayed up til 6:30am Friday morning. Before hubby went to work we checked and shook all the pillow (all 5 of em), shook the blanket, made sure the bed skirt was in fact off the floor (tucking it in under the mattress) and I rolled up into my blanket like a cocoon. I finally dozed off to be awakening at 8:00am to my little Jade wanting a cookie.

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