Wednesday Quote: Pause


We could all use this reminder sometimes. Life seems to move pretty fast, if you don’t stop to look around once in awhile, you could miss it. Maybe we just need to slow down. Let’s pause in the moment.

National Coming Out of the Closet Day


National Coming Out Day. Every year on National Coming Out Day, we celebrate coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) or as an ally. On Oct. 11, 2016, we will mark the 28th anniversary of National Coming Out Day.

One out of every two Americans has someone close to them who is gay or lesbian. For transgender people, that number is only one in 10.

Watch this video:

Did you know just before and/or after the coming out process, LGBTQ youth are at highest risk for suicide?

I am an ally. I will support those in the LGBTQ community. I believe they should love who they want, what they do in their own home does not affect me. I have lots of friends in the community, and my heart is just the same. They are human beings just like me, and I wish more people would stop judging them on their lifestyle, and start embracing them with love. We need to come together as equality, and stop with the hate.

Coming out doesn’t have to be public, just own it for yourself. Don’t feel bad for those around you, because true friends will love just who you are, no matter what attracts you. Keep smiling, you have something to live for and know that I support you. Hang in there my friend.

Websites to look into:
Human Rights Campaign
National Coming Out Day on Facebook
Teaching Tolerance: 5 ways to support

My Own Insecurities



I honestly struggle a lot.
My insecurities doesn’t cause me anxiety, that I am aware of. But I really am self conscious. It is a weird thing to be inside my mind. I guess in reality I just throw on clothes, but then I look in the mirror and realize my mom muffin top can be seen and completely change what I wanted to wear. It sucks. I only have the front of my stomach to be the issue. Like you can totally tell a watermelon kiddo was in there. Like excess skin, stretch marks, the look of a muffin top… it doesn’t go away. Maybe some people look at me to be beautiful but in my head, I think I can be “better“.


The Alphabet of Love

you’re way of showing me Attention, even when you work and go to school full-time.

sometimes when I’m awake at night, I watch you Breathing. (not in a creepy kind of way)

the way you pull me back to bed just to Cuddle me on a Sunday Morning.

Jade gets to call you Daddy.

an Extra bundle of joy coming in April.

never able to figure out when you will Flirt with  me next, whether it is at home or in public.

your sense in Giving. You always think about others and I will always be Grateful for that.

seeing you Happy makes my Heart Happy. Therefore, we are Happy, Happy, Happy.

I will always love you.

your Jokes make me smile.

I can Kiss your lips and feel warm inside.

the way you Look into my eyes and I know you will always be Loyal to me.

when you can send me Messages about Roses are Red Poems.

the way you put our Needs before your own.

you are my Only One.

Playful ways, bring me back to our dating days, and remind me why I feel in love.

I will never have to Question you.

when you surprise me with Roses

Spending time with you is Simply amazing.

True love never dies

your Understanding

wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day.

when you Work just so you can provide for us, and give me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom.

an eXtraordinary life, raising kids and still feeling like we fell in love yesterday.

Yearning to spend time with You.

being happy, relaxed, and full of Zen.

We’re Jumpin’ Topics 2012 Review


Here’s an excerpt:

19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This blog was viewed about 59,000 times in 2012. If it were a concert at the Barclays Center, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Thank you everyone who has commented, looked, and searched through my thoughts. I know I am not here a lot, but I want to personally thank every one of you who has followed, and helped encourage me along the way. You are truly one of kind, and again Thank You! May you all have a Blessed and Wonderful year in 2013!



This week I have started a new way of cleaning. I wasn’t cleaning on the weekends when Hubby was home, because who would want to do that?

I knew I had to figure out a way that I wasn’t feeling overwhelmed. I would sit on the couch on Monday wondering where to start. I would try to bust out everything an hour before Hubby came home, because I knew then I had a time limit but then that became stressful.

While exploring Pinterest, I found a chore list, and Wow, it works! This is my first week starting it, so it has taken a lot longer than the 30 minutes, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel hallway. I can feel it working! Even my Hubby says “Wow, I might keep you for today.” ~laughs~

Another thing, I don’t feel like an overpowering Mom anymore. I let Jade pull out all the toys she wants, when I begin cleaning I make her put up her toys where they belong. If she spills hr dry cereal in the floor, I assist her with the vacuum.

If you start this way of cleaning – Don’t think it will just start working over night. The first week just worry about marking the stuff off the list as you do them, don’t worry about the time. You will see how easy it is to maintain in the first few days.

Happy Cleaning

1 Year Blogaversary

Oh my, it has been ONE year since I have started this journey (a few hours early but hey… I am celebrating early). I have grown so much in a year it is unreal.

In the beginning, I didn’t know where this would go, or where to begin really, but I did find out I am best at writing my thoughts out, not only does it help clear my head, but it often puts peace within my heart.

You guy have seen me go through phases with my Step-dad, Jade’s adventures, weight loss journey, death in the family, bugs in my bed, and learning to grow as a person.

Thank you for being here for me.

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Happiness is a Journey

Why is it when we want happiness these are the things we often look for/ask/want…

More Money
Special Someone
Own a Home
Lose Weight
Be Beautiful

However, usually people who have all of these things are not happy. No matter how much money, special people, promotions, homes, move to a better place, lose all your weight, how beautiful, how rich or how famous – if you’re not happy, then you are simply have no happiness. All the materials in the world couldn’t make you happy. They might help with your happiness for a few days, but then you will continue looking for something to be “better”.

Did you know that all the things above is only 10% of our happiness? Crazy, huh?

I have often heard “money can’t buy happiness” and I am sure you have heard this too.

Money is not a bad thing, just don’t depend on it to bring you happiness. The list does not have the power to make you happy, if you constantly go after the list to make you happy, you will not be focused on what actually does make you happy.

Happiness comes from you, stuff that you do have control over such as behavior, thoughts, and intentional powers. Whatever you give your energy to, and what goes inside of you, can power your happiness. The only thing you have to do is control your thoughts to make you happy, figure out how to talk yourself into happiness.

Every time you are thrown into a situation that brings you down, start looking into the direction that will make you happy. The decision is yours. Once you come out of the situation without being down then you will see you are in control of your happiness.

Another thing I have always heard is…
If you are unhappy without money, you will be unhappy with money.
If you are single and unhappy, you will be married and unhappy.

Going for things that you think will make you happy, you will lose the things that really make you happy.



As most of you know I am trying to get back on track with my weight loss. I was 167 lbs just a few months ago; however, I am back around 186 lbs. When things get emotionally hard I turn to eating instead of talking/praying/working out. I am an emotion eater and still learning how to not be.

With losing my Grandpa and having my other Pawpaw going through bladder cancer treatments, and now rehab from back surgery, my mind often stresses/worries about the people I love. I guess I will have to bite the bullet again and push forward.

Last year at this time, I was working in my flower beds, but this year I’m not doing so. I don’t want to sweat and dig up weeds if we will eventually move in a few months.

Another thing is we are trying for another baby, since October and well I fall short every month with another disappointment. I am continuing telling myself that everything is in God’s plan, but I am still human. I still fall back into the pit of stress/worry, but I am Okay. I know I am thankful and I will continue to pray. I want to lose this weight not only because it is the right thing to do, but because I know it will make me one hot momma and it will make myself healthier in the long run.

So, Day 1 – Losing Weight – P90x Here I Come

BTW – Another thing is my car has been in the shop for 2 weeks. We do have hubby’s truck to get us to and fro, but we are packed like sardines, lol

Things WILL get better! I can DO this!

** 20 mins of P90x

Ways to be Generous

I often find myself wondering how I could be generous to others. Being a parent has opened my eyes of how Generous we need to be, and not only being generous but being patient. Being generous doesn’t have to mean giving out money, it can be the art of giving others what we take for granted. I sat down yesterday and came up with way to be generous. This may not happen today, or even a year down the road but I would like to get some of it done. I would like to be a generous person and always think about others before myself (not saying I wont spend good on myself, but to even help one person would be a praise).

II Corinthians 8:7
“But as you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us—see that you abound in this grace also.”

Here is some ways you can generous.

1) Buy some amounts of gift cards from fast food restaurants (5-10 dollars) & hand them out to homeless/people looking for food.

2) Buy someone else’s groceries
– even if it is just a $1 candy bar for the person behind you.

3) Do someone else’s job
– If your husband always cuts the grass, sneak out before him and get it done.

4) Offer/Buy someone else’s coffee.

5) Be Nice
– Say Hi to strangers as you pass by.

6) Appreciate People
– Drop notes to friends/family
– Leave a generous tip

7) Make a difference

8) Give things you can make
– Plant a garden and give as much of the bounty away to others.

9) Give your time
– Volunteer somewhere

10) Give Your Patience
– Volunteer with preschoolers at a church or Sunday school, or help as an assistant.

11) Purchase a few cans/boxes to help out a local food bank.
– Most local grocery stores have a local food back they sponsor.

12) Pray for someone
– Ask if there is anything you can help pray about.

13) Donate to a toy drive
– Instead of throwing toys away

14) Walk dogs at a shelter.

15) Color A Smile
– Let your child help out! You can make someone smile today.

16) Donate your hair to Locks of Love.

17) Help spinal cord injury victims.

18) Participate in a marathon/walkathon.

19) Buy a bird-feeder and keep it full.

20) Brag about someone to others, while they stand there listening.

21) Help someone by paying one of their bills.

22) When someone compliments you about something – give it to them.

23) Save coins for a month or two and then give it to a special organization.

24) Clean someone’s house/apartment for free.

25) Babysit for someone so they can go run errands/have a date night.

26) Go to a Senior Citizen’s home & visit.

27) Hold a door for someone

28) Forgive a person’s shortcomings/mistakes.

We get so tied up into our busy schedules that we often don’t think about others. We just focus on the “now” and “today”. I hope this list helps you in thinking about how to make someone smile, I often think of ways too and I hope I can achieve some of these.

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